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Get Started with b4 Robotic Process Automation on Altair

Business Process Analysis for Robotic Process Automation

Business Process Analysis Overview

Download the AmdoSoft BPA Calculator

The AmdoSoft ROI Calculator is allow you to go through a simple Step by Step process to develop your business case for using RPA robots in your organization. Simply click here to download the free AmdoSoft resource.

Download and Install the b4 System

Step 1: Download b4 from the Altair Partner Portal

To find out more, head over to

If you already have access to the Altair Market place, you can find b4 using the following link:

Step 2: Prepare a Server for the b4 Controller installation (expand for more info)

The b4 Master Controller can be installed on a Windows Server 2016 or 2019. It is highly recommended to install the b4 controller on a dedicated server and use a clean windows installation.

Bots can run on the same server or can be installed on separate machines. Please take a look at the next steps for clarification.

b4 Master Controller

Windows Server 2016 or 2019 with

  • 6CPUs
  • 12 GB RAM
  • 200 GB HDD


System Options:

  • Run local on b4 Controller Server
  • Run remote on Windows 7/10/+ Workstation
  • Run remote on Windows 2012/16/19/+ Server

To download the complete system requirements, please click here

Step 3: IMPORTANT - Request the AmdoSoft-Altair Activation License

Please fill in the form below and provide the internal IP address of the server you are installing the b4 Controller on. We will send you the initial activation license to your email address.

Altair APA b4 Activation

Step 4: Install the b4 Controller and Apply the initial Activation License

Step 5: Follow the b4 Implementation Video Guide and start using RPA

Need help? Contact us at or use the Chat option on this page.

b4 Suite Feature Overview

Feature Slider DG
Automation Accuracy

The highly stable rules engine achieves automation with greater precision, accuracy, and reliability. Furthermore an internal health checker monitors the health and security components

b4-Bot intelligent vision

Our Bots have the ability to read from various data sources for example over Citrix, web applications, CRMs and ERP systems. The b4 -Bots use multiple technologies including to recognise images, objects and text on the screen

b4-Agent vision

Our Agents run in the background and can provide a multitasking function to the automation. It "sees" what is going on in the system background and can work with the b4-Bot on various processes

IT Automation

b4 comes from an IT Automation background and therefore provides powerful features that allow RPA engineers to ensure best automation efficiency, stability, security and control

RPA on Locked Screen

The b4-Bots comply with various government and enterprise level security standards one of which is that automated processes run behind locked screens

Auto Login

b4-Bots log securely and autonomous into the operating system exactly as predefined by the RPA engineer

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Any Questions about the b4 Features? Contact us

AmdoSoft Services

RPA Know-How

With almost 20 years customer and partner driven software development as well as automation consultation and implementation experience, AmdoSoft is your flexible partner that supports you at the start, the finish and at every step in-between.

b4 RPA Academy

The b4 RPA Academy provides you with the skills and knowledge around Robotic Process Automation. It includes product training based and implementation workshops. It also includes in-depth training on how to identify processes with automation potential.

Managed Services

AmdoSoft is a software vendor and channel partner focused service provider. Depending on your requirements, AmdoSoft will provide the software with training and support or can provide a full worry free RPA Managed Service.

Partner Eco-System

The AmdoSoft partner Eco-System shares RPA know how ranging from implementation, consultation and ongoing customer support. The partner Eco-System can provide accredited services to any type of RPA project.